"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."

-Shel Silverstein



First of all, in case you didn't notice, I have a new link thing that goes to my goodreads.com profile. That site is so cool! It lets you create bookshelves of book that you've read, the books that you are currently reading, and books that you want to read in the future. I just thought I would share that :)

Also, on a side note, the new Lady Antebellum CD is awesome.

There are also some pieces of art that I have hung up in my room that I really love. I think my favorite is one that I bought at Kirklands; its by Jack Vetrianno, who has some really cool paintings. This one is one that I picked up and could not put down.

I couldn't really get a good picture because my room is too dark and I can't take a picture with the flash on without the light showing up. But, if you want to look it up it is called "The Singing Butler."
This next one is one that I found on Amazon.com for pretty cheap. It looks like a real picture, but it is actually a sketch of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean. I love it! It is black and white except for the rose, which is a really unique touch.

Every year, UGA has a big poster sale that I can never seem to stay away from. This year, I bought three posters that are nice additions to my room. They're all foreign, but two are paintings and the third (top right) is a picture with Grace Kelly. I would love to put these in frames eventually, but for right now, they are just taped to my wall.

So that's all of the new art that I have in my room! :)

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