I remember I did so many things wrong with this painting that I later learned from. Like first of all, you should ALWAYS paint the background first. Instead, I painted the tree and tried to cover the white with the blue sky. It was awkward. I also learned that you should paint the edges. I hung this one up and realized how strange it looked with the white edges.
My next painting that I did it one that I think most people like (that is why it is hanging in the living room :) ). I started out making something different but then I messed it up and had to paint the whole canvas black, including the edges this time! The thought then came to me to paint something that resembled leaves and I think the end product looks pretty good.
The next painting I did is my favorite. I kind of got the idea of the face from an eye drop commercial, but I personally like my version of it better :) Like the other, I messed up with this one. I tried to free hand the yellow on the top and bottom which didn't look right. I then tried to correct it with tape, but I made the borders too big. So I had to paint the whole thing over with the blue that is on the background and then start over with the borders and the face. This is now a proud resident in my bedroom!
This last painting is one that I did the other day because Hobby Lobby was having a sale on canvases (that store, by the way, is the best place to buy basically everything decorative). I wanted to make the color fade, and then do something with an outline. I, yet again, screwed up with the painting. I found a picture of an old fashioned phone online and sketched it. I then decided to sketch it onto the canvas before I painted it. I sketched it too dark and made a mistake which made me have to paint over it and make the fading different. I still like the background color the best, but I'm not too crazy about the phone. The base of the phone bothers me because the circle in the middle, but the painting overall still looks decent.
Okay well that's all of the paintings that I have done now! I'm in the middle of another one that I hope will look AWESOME, but I'll do a post about it when I finish :) (hopefully I won't mess this one up)
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