Now, on to what I promised yesterday before I passed out!
Day 56-57
I'll just use one picture to sum up this weekend. Saturday was a very relaxing day spent hanging out at the pool and cooking out. I loved every second of it! (no, this is not the real pool, oh how i wish it was though!)
I finished Princess in Love! I honestly have already forgotten what goes with what book, but it was the same as the other ones, excellent. Normally, I don't like reading diary entries, but for some reason it doesn't bother me in this book. Now I need to go to the library to see if they have these so I can finish them!
I started Little Women Saturday at the pool and I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish it. I haven't read a book like it since high school so dealing with the structuring of the sentences and how the author writes is going to be a challenge. I'll try my hardest to make it through so hopefully I'll finish it eventually...
Happy Anniversary to Mom and Weyman! Their 6 year anniversary was this past Saturday and I'm very sad that I wasn't able to go home :( I'm going home this Saturday though so I'll be able to give them their presents then!